Friday, July 2, 2010

Steve's Crap Car Of The Day

FERRARI 400 1976-1979

Proof that even Ferrari have made some clunkers... and further proof of the existence of that mysterious group, “The Mirror Image School of Design”. Another car that looks pretty much the same from the front as it does from the back.

For some weird reason someone at Ferrari stood up at the annual board members' picnic and, while nibbling on a toasted bruschetta (the ones drizzled in olive oil and rubbed with roasted garlic), bravely suggested they build an expensive two-door coupe that handles like coal barge and accelerates only marginally faster. Oh... and it should be designed by Luigi over there who’s been studying origami.

And for some even weirder reason they all said “Si!”. Those bruschettas were really delicious.

You’d think a 4.8-litre V12 would make a car fairly quick. You’d think. But muffled by a truly terrible auto gearbox and suspension geometry a 50s Cadillac would’ve been proud of, the 400 was painfully slow given its pedigree. "Slow and nice looking" most people can live with. "Slow and one degree removed from a Nissan Skyline"… erm. Nope.

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